Yoga and Sport for Refugees

Yoga and Sport was born to support the people stranded in Moria refugee camp. Estelle is the founder, as she founded the NGO Yoga and Sport For Refugees in Lesvos, Greece in 2017.

We started running from Moria Camp with only two guys and now we are a team of 30 people running altogether in Lesvos and with members of the crew who were relocated in Athens and in other countries in Europe.


We run on trails, mountains, roads and in the stadium. We race with locals and we win some good challenges together. Our strength is to run together, to exchange and support each other.

We live in a refugee camp in tents with 5 to 10 people where conditions are very hard: no electricity, no internet, very bad hygienic conditions, danger and threats from others residents of the camp who try to rob us sometimes, bad food, no doctor and live with stress and anxiety of our future.

That’s why we love to run: to escape the moment.