Inspired by run crews in cities all over the world, Run Brum Crew is an urban running community in central Birmingham founded in March 2019 by Mike .
We are not a typical running club. We are first and foremost a community, the first running crew to be established in Birmingham (UK) with England Athletics licensed Run Leaders. Whilst our Crew Runners enjoy the physical, mental and social benefits of running, a PB is not the sole aim of our runs. We look out for each other, hang back when necessary, and make sure everyone makes it back to the Crew Social!
We run the streets. We run track. #WeRunCrew
Weekly runs are led by Michael, winner of BYPY 2017. Michael is an England Athletics licensed Run Leader who has completed 10 marathons and is passionate about the benefits of running.
Please come along and give your new crew a try! We start at Victoria Square in front of the Birmingham Council House. Turn up ready to run however you feel comfortable. Our weekly crew run is free to everyone.