Cani Sciolti Running Team was started in the Spring of 2016 in Rome, Italy by four passionate running friends who used to run in different running teams.
One day we decided to create a running crew where we could express our passion for running in our own way. Just to reflect our desire for freedom from preset constraints we decided that the name of our crew was “CANI SCIOLTI RUNNING TEAM” which means “Unleashed Dogs Running Team”.
Our mission is to bring people living in our city closer to running, to give them the opportunity to be part of a group of friends united by the same passion and with the same values, happy to stay together and having fun.
In a quite short time, our crew has reached more than 50 members participating in competitions over the most disparate distances, from 5k up to marathons in Italy and abroad.
Then we also created the X-Solid Sport Lab where in addition to running we give the opportunity to practice other sports.
We are based in Rome, open to meet new members whether they are experienced runners or at the first run.