Broward Running Society

Broward Running Society: More Than a Crew, It’s a Lifestyle

In the vibrant city of Plantation, Florida, an inspiring journey took flight in March 2023. Five individuals with different backgrounds and stories created something extraordinary—the Broward Running Society (BRS). Founded by Elvis, Katherine, Rick, Tania, and Anthony, this remarkable running crew has redefined fitness and forged a tight-knit community that’s all about mutual support, acceptance, and, most importantly, having fun.

The Birth of BRS: Where Dreams Took Root

Elvis, the visionary behind BRS, moved to Florida from the bustling streets of NYC during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an avid runner, he dearly missed the tight community of runners he had been part of in the Big Apple. His efforts to connect with running crews in the Miami area hit a geographical roadblock, but fate had something different in store.

In 2022, at the Miami Half Marathon, Elvis crossed paths with Katherine, a passionate runner from Boston. They formed A strong bond, leading to Katherine relocating to Florida in November 2022 to be with Elvis. Their connection didn’t stop at love—it extended to their shared longing for a running community in Florida.

The pivotal moment came in March 2023 during a family gathering when Rick, Tania, and Anthony joined the conversation. With backgrounds in the aviation and tech industries, these individuals had previously had minimal to fair involvement in fitness routines. However, the idea of Broward County having its own run crew took flight that day.

Elvis and Katherine, both working in the healthcare industry, spearheaded the formation of BRS. Since its inception, the founders have transformed their lifestyles, embracing active routines and motivating one another.

Broward Running Society: Where Running Meets Society

The name “Broward Running Society” wasn’t chosen by accident. It encapsulates their mission to create a community-oriented run club that goes beyond just running. “Society” implies belonging, camaraderie, and inclusivity, emphasizing the importance of building connections and relationships within the running community. “Broward” gives it a local touch, showing their commitment to the community.

Mission and Vision: Running Towards Greatness Together

Broward Running Society is more than just a group of runners; it’s a tight-knit community that thrives on inclusion and support. Their mission is crystal clear: to inspire, empower, and uplift each other to achieve personal greatness, both on and off the road. Unity and shared achievements are their driving forces, pushing them to break their limits and make lasting connections with every stride.

The vision of BRS is equally inspiring. They envision a running community where people from diverse backgrounds unite to motivate one another, break boundaries, and pursue greatness in all aspects of life. Through their passion, camaraderie, and positive vibes, they aim to create an environment where every member feels empowered to reach their full potential.

Growing Stronger, One Stride at a Time

BRS started their journey with about 22 passionate individuals at their first crew run on April 4, 2023. Their presence has made a significant mark in the running community four months later. They’ve travelled together to races and run events, always with a strong turnout.

One of their low-key goals is to inspire those who’ve never considered themselves athletes or runners. BRS aims to flip the mental switch, using running to change how people view themselves. Their Tuesday crew runs now average between 70-80 attendees, while their Sunday long runs draw in the 30s. They’ve even named two captains to help run the crew, with plans to identify two more in the coming months.

Running Routes That Embrace Diversity

BRS’s weekly crew runs are anchored in Plantation, Florida. On Sundays, they embark on long runs across four diverse routes—one for each Sunday of the month. Their journey takes them from the picturesque east coast beaches to the scenic west side of the county. Whether you’re an 8 min/mile speedster, a steady 10 min/mile runner, or a 13+ min/mile enthusiast (affectionately known as the “sexy pace” crew), BRS has a spot for everyone. On Tuesdays, they keep the tempo high with 5k runs.

Broward Running Society: An Open Invitation to All

With over 125 members and counting, BRS is a testament to the power of community. Their doors are open to everyone, and there are no membership fees. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a beginner taking your first steps into running, you’ll find a warm welcome in this inclusive society.

In Plantation, running isn’t just a sport—it’s a lifestyle. The Broward Running Society, with its unique qualities and tight-knit community, is at the forefront of this exciting movement. Their journey is a testament to what can happen when passionate individuals come together, running towards greatness with acceptance, mutual support, and fun as guiding principles. So, consider joining the Broward Running Society, whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a beginner looking to lace up your running shoes for the first time. You might just find your second family on the road.

Broward Running Society – In A Nutshell

Running isn’t just a local phenomenon in Plantation—it’s a global connection. BRS represents the best of this worldwide community, where runners from different walks of life come together to inspire one another and shatter their limits. The mutual support, acceptance, and thrill of shared achievements transcend borders and cultures, making running an international language of passion.

So, whether you’re a resident or a visitor, Plantation, Florida, invites you to lace up your running shoes and explore its beauty while experiencing the electric energy of the running community. Join Broward Running Society for a crew run, sign up for a local race, or enjoy the city’s picturesque routes. In Plantation, every step you take is an adventure, and every stride celebrates the vibrant running culture that thrives within this charming city.

Running Wild in Plantation, Florida: Where Every Step is a New Adventure

Plantation, Florida, with its sun-kissed streets and lush green landscapes, is more than just a picturesque city. It’s a runner’s paradise, and at the heart of its vibrant running culture is the Broward Running Society (BRS). In this article, we’ll explore the city’s stunning running routes, scenic trails, and the electric atmosphere of running events that make Plantation an absolute haven for runners.

Unveiling the City: Plantation’s Charms and Flavors

Plantation, situated in the beautiful Sunshine State, is a city that seamlessly blends urban life with natural beauty. Known for its palm-lined streets and welcoming community, it’s no wonder this city has become the perfect backdrop for runners seeking mutual support, acceptance, and plenty of fun.

But what sets Plantation apart are its green spaces. The city boasts an array of parks and recreational areas like a runner’s playground. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s a route here that suits your pace.