Allied Shadow Unit

Running with Allied Shadow Unit (ASU): Discovering Hong Kong

Allied Shadow Unit (ASU) is a unique running crew that was formed in 2017 in Hong Kong. Founded by Rex, a passionate athlete with a love for running, trail running and triathlon, ASU was created to inspire people to enjoy these sports and share their passion with others. With a focus on accumulating achievements through hard work, ASU is a team of dedicated athletes who support and motivate each other to reach their goals.

A Cool Sports Team with a Passion

At ASU, the members define themselves as a cool sports team made up of a collective of crazy people with a huge passion for running, trail running and triathlon. They encourage each other to improve their performance, find motivation, and achieve their goals. The team members participate in various events such as marathons, triathlons, trail running and other outdoor activities. ASU believes in mutual encouragement and learning from each other to achieve their training goals and results. The team members also use sports as a way to have fun with their friends while enjoying life.

To be succeed – No miracles only accumulate.

Running Schedule and Distances

ASU meets on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 pm for regular runs. The Monday runs take place at the Sham Shui Po Sports Ground, while the Thursday runs take place at Castle Peak Road. For trail running, the team usually meets on Saturdays or Sundays. The distances range from 5-21K for regular runs and 10-50K for trail running. The team members have different paces to cater to different levels of fitness. The paces are 4:30, 4:50, 5:10, 5:30, and 6:00 km/h.

Joining Allied Shadow Unit

If you’re looking to join a running crew in Hong Kong, ASU might just be the perfect fit for you. The team has around 30 members, and they welcome anyone who shares their passion for running, trail running and triathlon. The team members are from diverse backgrounds, and they share a common goal of achieving their fitness goals while having fun and enjoying life. Joining ASU is easy; all you need to do is contact them through their Instagram account and express your interest in joining their team. The team is very welcoming, and they will make you feel like part of the family right away.

Discovering Hong Kong

Running in Hong Kong

Running in Hong Kong is an exhilarating experience, with its combination of urban landscapes and natural scenery. The city is home to numerous parks and trails that offer breathtaking views of the mountains, the sea, and the skyline. Some of the popular routes include the Victoria Peak, Dragon’s Back, and the MacLehose Trail. The running community in Hong Kong is also thriving, with a diverse range of clubs and crews catering to all levels and interests.

The Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon

Hong Kong hosts several running events throughout the year, attracting both local and international participants. One of the most anticipated events is the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon, which takes place annually in January. The event features a full marathon, a half marathon, a 10K, and a wheelchair race, with thousands of runners taking to the streets of the city. Other notable events include the Oxfam Trailwalker, the Hong Kong Ultra Marathon, and the Lantau Vertical. These events not only provide a platform for runners to challenge themselves but also showcase the beauty and vibrancy of the city.

Crosslinking to Other Running Crews in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a thriving running community, and there are many other running crews that you can join. Some of the other popular running crews in Hong Kong include:

Hong Kong Harbour Runners is a running crew that meets every Tuesday and Thursday night in the heart of the city. They have a wide range of running abilities, from beginners to advanced runners, and they welcome anyone who wants to join their community and run the city’s iconic routes.

Wazup Running is a diverse and inclusive running crew that meets every Tuesday and Thursday night in Kowloon Park. They have a strong focus on socializing and building a sense of community among their members, while also pushing each other to reach their running goals.

Prism Runners is a female-led running crew that was founded in 2015. They meet twice a week for interval training and long-distance runs, and they also organize regular social events for their members. Their mission is to empower women through running and create a supportive community for female runners in Hong Kong.

SD Runners is a running crew that meets every Monday and Wednesday night in various locations across Hong Kong Island. They have a diverse group of runners, from casual joggers to marathon runners, and they welcome anyone who wants to join them for a run.

Foodsport is a running crew that combines their love of food and running. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday night to run around the city, and they also organize food-related events for their members. They are a fun and social crew that welcomes anyone who wants to run and eat their way through Hong Kong.

MadOne Crew was founded in April 2014 in Hong Kong. The story began from a short-lived run crew named MotorRunner to help Nike for promoting their gears in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2013.

Prism Runners

SD Runners

FoodSport Crew

MadOne Crew